Notaku Alternative

Looking for a Notaku alternative? Let’s see why you might prefer WunderDesk over Notaku for creating a help center.

Notaku Alternative

WunderDesk vs Notaku

Side-by-side comparison on features and pricing

Most affordable paid plan $$19 / month$17 / month
Best value for the money $$$39 / month$37 / month
Pages & SyncingWunderDeskNotaku
Number of articles
Up to 100 $
Up to 250 $$
Up to 50 $
Up to 150 $$
Auto sync frequencyhalf-hourlyhalf-hourly
Notion TemplateWunderDeskNotaku
Usage of Notion databasessimply onenested / per sub-collection
Easily browse all articles
Easily move articles
Easily move sub-collections
Localize system texts
Set HTML language tag
RTL (right to left) support
Multiple languages✅ (via versions)
Notion AccessWunderDeskNotaku
Official Notion API
Keep Notion page private
Notion page accessNotion integrationShare publicly

Looking for a Notaku Alternative?

Notaku is a tool similar to Super which can generate different kinds of sites, while WunderDesk focuses on providing a comprehensive knowledge base solution. While Notaku is a common choice, users seeking an alternative may find WunderDesk to be the optimal solution for these reasons:

  • Easy to use Notion template
  • Generous article limit
  • Access Notion data via an official Notion integration
  • Enhanced localization capabilities

Easy to use Notion template

Both Notaku and WunderDesk enable users to create collections, sub-collections, and articles in Notion. WunderDesk takes a simpler approach with a single Notion database, whereas Notaku’s Help Desk template has one database at the root level and nested databases for sub-collections.

Choosing WunderDesk’s single Notion database approach provides various advantages:

  • Effortless browsing of articles across different (sub-) collections.
  • Easy drag-and-drop functionality for moving articles and collections.
  • Easy restructuring of articles into new collections.

Generous Article Limit

When comparing the most affordable and “best value for money” paid subscriptions of WunderDesk and Notaku, their pricing closely aligns. However, WunderDesk has a more generous article limit, allowing up to 100 and 250 articles compared to Notaku’s 50 and 150. This ensures users, particularly those on the most affordable paid plan, need not worry about reaching article limits quickly.

Access Notion Data through an Official Notion Integration

Notaku depends on Notion’s internal and undocumented API for accessing user data. A method adopted by numerous older tools due to the absence of alternatives. However, in the present day, Notion has introduced an official API.

In contrast, WunderDesk leverages this official API, offering several benefits:

  • Users don’t need to publicly share their Notion pages. An official Notion integration with OAuth ensures explicit permissions are granted by users.
  • A documented and versioned API prevents unforeseen breaking changes.
  • Fast syncing of data is enabled by querying databases, syncing only new changes.

Enhanced Localization Capabilities

WunderDesk empowers users to translate all system texts into any language. Additionally, it localizes system dates and ensures the correct HTML language tag is set for accurate detection by search engines like Google. WunderDesk goes above and beyond by supporting RTL (right-to-left) languages.

In contrast, Notaku offers to provide multiple versions of a site (for example for different languages) but no tooling for localization.

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